How to Master Easy Sketches for Beginners


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How do you start beginner sketching?

Simple sketches are a must for beginning artists as they strengthen their fundamental skills and help build their portfolio. It can also be nice to have a finished design to show off, even if you know it was relatively easy to complete. Easy sketches are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to art, but they are essential for developing more drawing skills.


For some artists, the easiest sketches are fruits and vegetables. Others find flowers and animals quite simple. Choosing the correct sketch to start ultimately depends on your personal preferences.

Find an easy-to-draw reference object

A beginner level sketch shouldn't be time consuming. Choose simplistic topics that help you master the basics. This will help you make more complicated sketches in the future.

At first, it is essential to have a reference object to look at while drawing. Household items are usually simple sketches for beginners. For example, eggs can be a stellar item to draw on. With their simple form, they offer artists a simple lesson in the use of light and shadow.

Also, the basic three-dimensional shapes are generally easy for beginners to draw. Cones, pyramids, and cubes teach artists about form, shadow, and space.

Look for themes in nature.

When selecting subjects for drawing, plants and animals are favorites of many beginners. For example, snails do well in fitness studies. Also, some reptiles and even tree bark are great for working on texture.

If you need a fixed reference topic, flowers are a good choice. But don't start with complex flowers, like lilies. Instead, look for simple flowers, like black-eyed daisies and Susans, and work with flowers with more intricate petal arrangements.

Start with a pencil (or pen)

Easy pencil drawings are one of the best ways to start drawing. The pencil is inexpensive and versatile. It can be used for drawing, filling, and shading. Also, pencils travel well, so they can be taken to different places when looking for easy-to-draw reference material.

Don't be tempted to erase your pencil sketches. Put your mistakes on paper so you can learn from them.

If you are tempted to erase a pencil drawing, switch to a pen. While some of your work may seem messy, you'll thank yourself later for the constant reminder of your growth as an artist.

Practice the basics

Just because a sketch is easy doesn't mean you only have to do one before you can move on to more complex sketch work. These simple sketches are your basis. They must be practiced over and over again until they are perfected. While it may seem relatively boring, drawing simple objects, such as cones, globes, and cubes, will ultimately help you address broader topics, including buildings, people, and animals.

Stick to your easy subjects until you can draw them perfectly without the reference material. Once you can do that, it's time to move on to more complicated topics to sketch out.

Enjoy The Video Tutorial about Learn To Draw #01 - Sketching Basics + Materials

Source: SchaeferArt

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Grace Bennett

Grace Bennett is passionate about art and finds inspiration in everything around her. She particularly enjoys oil painting and watercolor, creating pieces that reflect her emotions and perspectives. Grace believes that art is a wonderful way to connect with oneself and others, and she loves sharing her passion with the artistic community.

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