Why Oil Painting is so Expensive


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Today I want to share with you an Extraordinary Video about the BIG QUESTION of why Oil painting is so EXPENSIVE!

Why Oil Painting is so Expensive

Oil paint is simple. At its most basic, it’s just a mixture of oil and pigment. But depending on the color and quality, a liter of this paint could cost you $285 to $1,100.

While the rise of oil paint is associated with the Renaissance, paintings using poppy-seed oil have been dated as far back as seventh-century Afghanistan. So what is it that makes this paint so special? And why is it so expensive?

Enjoy The Video about Why Oil Painting is so Expensive

Source: Business Insider

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Lucy Scott

Lucy Scott is a lover of art and drawing who enjoys exploring different styles and mediums. She loves learning new techniques and applying them to her creations. Lucy finds joy in the creative process and believes that art is an accessible form of expression for everyone. She enjoys sharing her projects and motivating others to discover their artistic potential.

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